クラウドシンク 三浦慶太郎
※1 国家の危急 State of Emergency
湾港の海兵から 漏れ聞いた噂では
もはや戦える船は無く 戦況は絶望的だと…
I heard a rumor from the marines at the port.
They say we have no ships left, that it’s a hopeless war…
※2 堂路博士 Professor Douji
桐子さんの お父さんは
偉い先生だと 聞いていたが…
I've heard about Kiriko-san’s father.
They say he's a remarkable teacher.
Though I didn’t realize he was a professor.
※3 新兵器 New Weapon
その搭乗員候補生に 私は選ばれた
Our new, top-secret military weapon, called a “Sentinel.”
I've been selected as a cadet to a pilot it.
※4 国家の危急 State of Emergency
この数か月… 各地が空襲を受けている
このままでは 日本は亜米利加に…
Air raids have plagued several regions for months now.
At this rate, the Americans will completely destroy Japan.
We have to do something…
※5 堂路博士 Professor Douji
あの事件以来 桐子さん達は姿を消した
Kiriko-san disappeared after that incident.
And Professor Douji has gone silent ever since.
It just doesn't make sense...
※6 縫イ包ミ Stuffed Rabbit
裁縫の苦手だった母が 千尋のために
苦労して作った うさぎの人形だ
端切れを寄せ集めた 粗末なものだが
肌身離さず 持ち歩いていた
Our mother’s terrible at sewing, but she made this for Chihiro.
I’d never seen her struggle with anything so hard, but she did it.
It’s pieced together with scraps of cloth. Not the best quality.
Even still…
Chihiro took it with her wherever she went.
※7 米軍新兵器 American Weapons
空襲とともに 上陸してきた
大きい物で およそ十丈
車輪の類ではなく 脚の様な物で移動する
その姿はまるで 化け物の百鬼夜行だ
They came ashore during the air raid.
They're enormous. Must be over 30 meters tall.
Instead of wheels, they move on long, leg-like appendages.
Quite a terrifying sight, like something out of hell…
※8 機兵 Sentinel
どうして…私と 機兵だけがここへ?
専門的な知識が なくとも機兵は…
異様な代物だとは 理解できる…だが…
これは機兵の 力なのだろうか…
Why were just the Sentinlel and I brought here?
That thing is beyond me. I'm no expert…
…but I know it’s capable of some extraordinary feats.
Time travel, though…
Could the Sentinel possess an ability like that?
※9 時間旅行 Time Travel
叔父から借りた 冒険科学小説にあった
未来へと 旅する物語…
Before the war, my uncle gave me a sci-fi novel.
A story about traveling through time to the future.
It only ever felt like a far-off fantasy…
To think it’d ever become a reality.
※10 米国新兵器 American Weapon
図書館で 調べてみたが…
米国どころか 世界のどこにも
歴史上あのような 兵器は存在しない
…あれは いったい何だ?
I checked the library for any records of such a weapon.
But I all of history, nothing like it has ever existed.
Not in the U.S. Not anywhere.
…What was that thing?
※11 昭和六十年 1985
敗戦を乗り越え 目を見張る復興ぶりで
この時代は あまりに豊かだ
Despite a catastrophic loss, Japan recovered quite well.
It seems to have entered a prosperous new era.
Almost too prosperous…
※17南奈津乃 Natusno Minami
確かに… 彼女は
明朗快活で 魅力的な人だ
そんな場合じゃ ないだろう?
Get it together, Keitaro.
She certainly is quite… yes.
I admit, she's bright, cheerful… attractive.
B-But right now…
I have more urgent matters to tend to.
※12 昭和二十年 1945
戦争の終結は 昭和二十年八月とあった
真実なら3ヵ月後に 日本は敗ける…
I saw when the war supposedly ends that history book.
August of 1945.
If that’s true, then Japan loses the war in just three month…
※13 千尋 Chihiro
先祖代々の墓も 無縁仏になっていて
どうなったのか 皆目わからない…
この世界のどこかに 生き延びているのか…
If she’s… we don’t have a family burial plot where I’d find her.
I have no idea what’s happened to her.
She’s either alive somewhere in this world…
※14 ハンバァグ Hemborger
ハンバァグなる 肉団子…
あれほどうまいもの 食べたことが無い
食べ物に惑わされている 場合ではないぞ
Those meatballs they call “hemborger”…
I've never had anything so delicious.
This is no time to be distracted by food.
※13 機兵 Sentinel
機兵を作ったのが 誰だろうと関係ない
祖国を救うために 必要なのだ
…だが どうしたらいい
回路の自動修復は 終わったはずだが
なぜか 再起動できない
I don’t care who’s responsible for creating the Sentinel.
I need it to save my country.
…But what do I do?
The circuit should have repaired itself by now.
But I can't seem to reactivate it.
ビイジェイ Beejay
奈津乃さんは あの探査装置を
未来から来た 宇宙人と信じている
彼の見せた 未来の映像…
真実だとしたら なぜ私が二百年先に?
単なる探査装置で ないのは確かだ…
That scout unit is an alien from the future.
At least that’s what Natsuno-san says.
The footage he showed us is allegedly from the future.
If it’s real, then how am I still alive 200 years from now?
All I know for certain is that it’s no ordinary scout unit.
△American Weapons
あの怪物たちは 米軍ではなく
未来の宇宙から来た 侵略者で…
そして機兵は… 奴らと戦うための兵器
The kaiju aren't secret U.S. military weapons.
They're alien invades from the future.
And the Sentinels are the tools we need to defeat them.
※19 機兵 Sentinel
たとえ機兵を 持ち帰っても…
守るべき人もいない あの世界で…
Even if I do bring the Sentinel back home…
How can I bring myself to fight?
The ones I swore to protect are gone…
※21 時間旅行 Time Travel
歴史を元にした 時間は確かに…
だがここは 私のいた時代に
おそらくこれは 時間移動ではない…
According to the history of this era…
…it has indeed been 40 years.
But this era doesn’t seem to be based on the era I'm from.
The two aren't connected.
Perhaps this isn't really time travel after all…
※22 昭和六十年 1985
昭和二十年に 誰もいなくなった…
四十年後だという この昭和六十年には
そんな史実も 影響もありはしない
よく似た…平行世界 というものだろうか
Back in 1945, everyone mysteriously vanished.
But here in 1985, 40 years later…
…there's no historical evidence or impact from that event.
It reminds me of a concept I read about in a science book.
The idea of two similar, parallel worlds…
※23 郷登蓮也 Renya Gouto
郷登蓮也は 奈津乃さんの先輩で
1985年の 学校に通っている
そしてビィジェイが 言うには
さらに遠い未来から 来た人間だ
Renya Gouto is Natsuno-san’s senpai.
He also attends the school in 1985.
And according to BJ…
…he’s from even further into the future.
※24 千尋 Chihiro
What’s happened to her…?
Chihiro… Morimura? She’s the original Chihiro?
Is there no going back to the way she used to be?